Builder: Wissinger Organs, Opus 12, 1992 Manuals: 2 Ranks: 30 Action: Mechanical GREAT ORGAN 16' Bourdon 56 8' Principal 56 8' Stopped Flute 56 4' Octave 56 4' Chimney Flute 56 2-2/3' Twelfth 56 2' Fifteenth 56 1-3/5' Seventeenth 44 IV Mixture 224 8' Trumpet 56 SWELL ORGAN 8' Chimney Flute 56 8' Viola 56 8' Celeste 44 4' Principal 56 4' Spire Flute 56 2' Recorder 56 II Sesquialtera 112 III Mixture 168 16' Dulcian 56 8' Oboe 56 PEDAL ORGAN 16' Bourdon 30 8' Principal 30 8' Bourdon 12 4' Choral Bass 30 16' Trombone 30 8' Trumpet 12 Tremulant (general) Cymbelstern Glockenspiel (Sw)(34 brass saucer bells) Sw to Gt coupler Gt to Ped coupler Sw to Ped coupler |