Builder: Hendrickson Organ Co., Opus 61, 1982 Manuals: 2 Ranks: 17 Action: Direct Electric Notes: Installed on both sides of the balcony window in symmetrical cases. Facade pipes are aluminum from Justin Matters. The 16' Principal extension is on the case sides, mitered. Voicing by David Engen. GREAT ORGAN 8' Prestant 56 8' Bourdon 56 4' Octave 56 4' Spitzflöte 56 2' Octave 56 1.1/3' Mixture IV 224 8' Trumpet 56 4' Clarion (ext) 12 Zimbelstern Sw to Gt SWELL ORGAN 8' Gemshorn 56 8' Schwebung (TC) 44 4' Spillflöte 56 2' Waldflöte 56 1-1/3' Quint 56 16' Fagott (ext) 12 8' Oboe 56 Tremulant PEDAL ORGAN 32' Resultant -- 16' Prestant 12 16' Bourdon 12 8' Octave -- 8' Bourdon -- 4' Choralbass -- 4' Bourdon -- III Mixture -- 16' Posaune 32 8' Trumpet 12 4' Clarion 12 Gt to Ped Sw to Ped |