St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church

Sherman Center
W5406 County Road SS
Random Lake, WI 53075

Builder: Geo. Kilgen & Son, Inc./Chas. C. Kilgen, 1908
Manuals: 2
Ranks: 12
Action: Mechanical

Notes: The organ is unaltered from its original state, its condition is good, and it is in regular use.

8' Open Diapason
8' Gamba
8' Melodia
8' Dulciana
4' Octave
2' Fifteenth 2'

SWELL ORGAN (Expressive)
8' Violin Diapason
8' Salicional
8' Stop Diapason
4' Flute Harmonique
4' Violina

Bourdon 16'
    Bellows Signal

COUPLERS (Drawknob)
    Sw to Ped
    Gt to Ped
    Sw to Gt

FOOT TRUNDLES (Labeled; l-r)
    Great Piano
    Great Forte