Our Savior's Lutheran Church

3022 West Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53208
Church is closed
Builder: Casavant Frères Ltée, Opus 2770, 1964
Manuals: 3
Ranks: 68
Pipes: 3805
Action: Electropneumatic

Notes: Our Savior's Lutheran closed in July 2020. The organ was removed on July 7, 2020, by Thomas Helms. The instrument was acquired by the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Memphis, TN. It was placed in storage in the former Cathedral High School for installation in the Cathedral in 2021.

16' Quintaton 61
8' Principal 61
8' Bourdon 61
8' Gemshorn 61
4' Octave 61
4' Spitzflöte 61
2 2/3' Nasat 61
2' Superoctave 61
IV Fourniture 244
IV Cymbal 244
8' Trompette en Chamade 61
    Pos to Gt; Unison Off

16' Gemshorn 61
8' Geigenprinzipal 61
8' Holzgedeckt 61
8' Viole de Gambe 61
8' Voix Celeste tc 49
4' Geigenoctav 61
4' Zauberflöte 61
2' Waldflöte 61
II Sesquialtera 122
IV Plein Jeu 244
16' Bombarde 61 (L/2)
8' Trompette 61
4' Clairon 61
    Sub, Super, Unison Off

8' Salicional 61 (old English style)
8' Rohrflöte 61
8' Erzähler 61
8' Erzähler Celeste GG 54
4' Singendprinzipal 61
4' Nachthorn 61
2' Gemsfifteenth 61 (L/2 taper)
III Kleinmixtur 183
16' Fagott 61 (L/2 )
8' Krummhorn (full) 61
4' Rohrschalmei 61
8' Trompette en Chamade (Gt)
    Sub, Super, Unison Off

POSITIV (on gallery rail)
8' Singendgedeckt 61
4' Praestant 61
4' Koppelflöte 61
2' Bachflöte 61
1-1/3' Quintflöte 61
1' Sifflöte 61
III Zimbel 183

16' Contrabass 32
16' Subbass 32 (West African mahogany)
16' Quintaton (Gt)
16' Gemshorn (Sw)
8' Prinzipal 32
8' Pommer 32
8' Gemshorn (Sw)
4' Choralbas 32
4' Rohrgedeckt 32
2' Blockflöte 32
IV Mixtur 128
16' Posaune 32
16' Fagott (Ch)
8' Octave Posaune 12
4' Clarion 12
    Pos to Ped; Ped Silent