Builder: Casavant Frères Ltée, Opus 2479, 2013 Originally: Casavant Frères Ltée, Opus 2479, 1958; Casavant Frères Ltée, Opus 2479-R, 1978 Manuals: 3 Ranks: 36 Action: Electropneumatic Notes: In 2013, Casavant rebuilt and made tonal changes to Opus 2479, including removal of the Antiphonal organ. As part of the project, the Great and Pedal divisions were reinstalled behind a new façade between the two organ chambers, so they speak along the main axis of the room. GREAT ORGAN 16' Rohrflöte 8' Principal 8' Violin 8' Rohrflöte 4' Octave 4' Waldflöte 2-2/3' Twelfth 2' Fifteenth 8' Tromba IV Mixture Super Chimes SWELL ORGAN 8' Gedeckt 8' Salicional 8' Voix Celeste 4' Principal 4' Flauto Traverso 2' Flachflöte III Plein Jeu 16' Bombarde 8' Trompette 8' Schalmei 4' Clarion Tremulant Sub and Super couplers CHOIR ORGAN 8' Cor de Nuit 8' Bourdon 8' Erzähler Celeste 4' Spitzprincipal 4' Rohrflöte 2-2/3' Nazard 2' Flute 1-3/5' Tierce II Rauschquinte 1-1/3' 8' Krummhorn 8' Tromba (Gt) Tremulant Sub and Super couplers PEDAL ORGAN 32' Reultant -- 16' Principal 16' Subbass 16' Rohrflöte (Gt) 16' Cor de nuit (Ch) 8' Principal 8' Bass Flute 4' Choralbass 16' Trombone 16' Bombarde 8' Tromba 4' Clarion |