Builder: Casavant Frères Ltée, Opus 3276, 1976 Manuals: 4 Ranks: 63 Action: Mechanical Notes: The Fritsch Memorial Organ holds a prominent place in the A.F. Siebert Chapel. This four-manual tracker-action pipe organ contains 3,170 pipes in five divisions. Editor's note: I visited this organ while the voicing crew was completing on-site regulation. They were extremely happy with the fast speech of the 16' facade principal. It has suspended action with extraordinarily long keys -- 4-5 feet long. The building is made of concrete with four wings, so it is very resonant. David Engen HAUPTWERK 16' Praestant (from F) 51 8' Oktave 56 8' Hohlflöte 56 4' Oktave 56 2-2/3' Quinte 56 2' Oktave 56 V Mixtur 280 IV Scharf 224 8' Trompete 56 8' Spanischtrompete 56 OBERWERK 8' Praestant (from F) 51 8' Gedackt 56 4' Oktave 56 4' Spitzflöte 56 2-2/3' Nasat 56 2' Flöte 56 1-3/5' Terz 56 IV Scharf 224 8' Dulzian 56 Tremulant SCHWELLWERK 16' Gedackt 56 8' Rohrflöte 56 8' Spitzgamba 56 4' Querflöte 56 2' Flachflöte 56 III Kornett tc 132 V Mixtur 280 8' Oboe 56 Tremulant BRUSTWERK 8' Holzgedackt 56 4' Rohrflöte 56 2' Oktave 56 1-1/3' Nasat 56 II Zimbel 112 8' Regal 56 PEDAL 16' Praestant 32 8' Oktave 32 8' Gedacktflöte 32 4' Oktave 32 VI Mixtur 192 16' Posaune 32 8' Trompete 32 4' Trompete 32 |