Builder: Holtkamp Organ Co., Opus 1815, 1967-68 Manuals: 3 Ranks: 52 Pipes: 2741 Action: Electropneumatic Notes: In the summer of 2015, Grandall and Engen cleaned the entire organ and made repairs. The 16' Trumpet on the Great was re-connected. 16' Quintadena chest was raised to facilitate tuning. Great racks were stabilized. A new chest was installed in the Swell to hold the Mixture and 1', both of which could not be reached for tuning without removing many pipes. Great is in the center. Positiv is split and at the front of the case. Pedal is mostly on the right side, with half of the 16' Principal and Posaune on the left in front of the double-decked Swell. A new nameboard was installed so all stop tabs match in color and engraving. New keyboards with standard pistons. Added 32' Resultant and prepared Zimbelstern. There is no unification, and only the 16' Quintadena is duplexed. GREAT ORGAN 16' Quintadena 8' Principal 8' Gedackt 4' Octave 4' Spitzflute 2' Doublette IV Mixture III Scharf 16' Trumpet 8' Trumpet SWELL ORGAN 8' Gamba 8' Bourdon 8' Celeste 4' Gemshorn 4' Fullflute 2' Octave 1' Glocklein IV Plein Jeu 16' Fagott 8' Oboe POSITIV ORGAN 8' Copula 4' Prestant 4' Rohrflute 2-2/3' Nazard 2' Principal 1-3/5' Tierce III Fourniture 8' Cromorne PEDAL ORGAN 16' Principal 16' Quintadena (Gt) 16' Subbass 8' Octave 8' Flauto 4' Choralbass 4' Nachthorn IV Rauschwerk 32' Contra Posaune 16' Posaune 8' Trumpet 4' Schalmey |