Builder: Dobson Pipe Organs, Ltd., Opus 48, 1990 Manuals: 2 Ranks: 38 Action: Mechanical Notes: Prof. Edward H. Meyer of Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minnesota, served as consultant for this instrument. GREAT ORGAN 16' Bourdon 56 8' Prinzipal 56 8' Rohrfloete 56 4' Oktav 56 4' Blockfloete 56 2' Nachthorn 56 II Sesquialter 2.2/3' + 1.3/5' 112 II Rasuchpfeife 2.2/3' + 2' 112 IV Mixtur 1.1/3' 224 8' Trumpet 56 Sw to Gt SWELL ORGAN (expressive) 8' Gedackt 56 8' Viola 56 8' Viola Celeste AA 47 4' Prinzipal 56 4' Gemshorn 56 2' Italian Prinzipal 56 1.1/3' Klein Nasat 56 III Scharf 1' 168 16' Dulzian 58 8' Schalmey 58 Tremulant PEDAL ORGAN 16' Prinzipal (wood) 32 16' Subbass 32 8' Oktav 32 8' Spitzfloete 32 II Choralbass 4' + 2' 64 IV Mixture 2.2/3 128 16' Posaune 32 Gt to Ped Sw to Ped |