Builder: McGaw Organ Company, 1970
Originally: Austin Organ Company, Opus 1301, 1925 Manuals: 4 Ranks: ? Action: Universal Air Chest System Notes: In 1970, tonal alterations were made by McGaw Organ Co. in an attempt to brighten the Austin organ. Several 8-foot ranks were moved to a 4-foot pitch, and several others were removed to make room for new upper work. The results were not entirely successful and the essential character of the organ was modified by the loss of several reed and string stops. GREAT ORGAN 16' Violone 8' First Open Diapason 8' Second Open Diapason 8' Gross Flute 8' Gemshorn 4' Principal 4' Harmonic Flute 2' Principal III Mixture Chimes SWELL ORGAN 16' Bourdon 8' Rohrflute 8' Salicional 8' Voix Celeste 4' Octave 4' Suabe Flute 2.2/3' Nasard 2' Blockflute 16' Contra Posaune 8' Posaune 8' Vox Humana 4' Clarion Tremulant CHOIR ORGAN 8' Melodia 8' Dulciana 8' Vox Angelica 4' Principal 4' Flute Traverso 2' Piccolo II Sesquialtera Mixture 8' Clarinet Harp Tremulant SOLO ORGAN (Rear gallery) 8' Stentorphone 8' Major Flute 8' Gamba 8' Gamba Celeste 4' Flute Ouverte 8' Tuba Mirabilis Tremulant ECHO ORGAN (Rear gallery) 8' Cor de Nuit 8' Vox Aetheria 8' Unda Maris 4' Fern Flute 8' Vox Humana Tremulant PEDAL ORGAN 32' Contre Bourdon 32' Resultant Bass 16' Double Open Wood 16' Violone 16' Subbass 16' Bourdon 8' Principal 8' Open Wood 8' Bourdon 4' Principal 4' Bourdon 16' Trombone (only bottom octave) 16' Posaune 8' Posaune 4' Clarion |