Builder: Layton Organs (a 1984 rebuild of an earlier
Marklove instrument). Manuals: 2 Divisions: 3 Ranks: 21 Stops: 16 Compass: 56/32 Action: Mechanical Notes: Information from Ron Yeater (2012): organ located at the right front of the chancel, next to the altar. Non-traditional console style (much like Schlicker or Holtkamp). Drawknobs in vertical rows on flat jambs. No combination action Balanced swell shoes/pedals. Concave radiating pedalboard meeting AGO Standards. Essentially a new organ, it used only older pipes and a few small parts. Organ Historical Society as of 2020. GREAT ORGAN 8 Principal (new pipes) 8 Rohrflote (existing Marklove Stopped Diapason/pierced stoppers) 4 Octave (existing Marklove) 2.2/3 Nasat (TC) (new pipes) 2 Octave (new pipes) Mixture IV (new pipes) SWELL ORGAN 8 Gedackt (Moller Nason/wood) 4 Rohrflote 1-12 new, rest Marklove 2 Principal (Marklove Sw. Octave) Cornet III (recycled pipes) 8 Rohrschalmei (1-12 new/balance Moller) Tremulant PEDAL ORGAN 16 Subbass (existing Marklove) 8 Octave (new pipes) 8 Bourdon (1-12 recycled/balance Marklove Flute d'Amour) 4 Choralbass (new pipes) 16 Fagott (existing Moller pipes) COUPLERS (by hitch-down pedals) Sw/Gt Sw/Ped Gt/Ped |