Builder: Hendrickson Organ Co., 2003. Rebuild of Austin
Organ Co., Op. 2308, 1959. Manuals: 3 Ranks: 38 Stops: 33 Action: Austin electropneumatic Notes: from Richard C Greene. In 1959, an Austin organ was installed at First Presbyterian. It consisted of 33 ranks and nearly 2100 pipes. In 2003, Hendrickson rebuilt the existing Austin with a new solid-state combination action to operate all stop tablets with a 36 channel memory control panel and read-out installed on the console. A new solid-state relay system was installed to operate all switching functions in the console and organ, including the connections from console to organ. Additional Information from Hendrickson Organ Co and Dan Graber of the church. Organ Historical Society as of 2014. GREAT ORGAN 16 Pommer 8 Principal 8 Bourdon 4 Octave 4 Spitzflöte 2 2/3 Twelfth 2 Fifteenth Mixture IV 8 Trumpet Chimes SWELL ORGAN 8 Hohlflöte 8 Viola Pomposa 8 Viola Celeste 4 Octave 4 Rohrflöte 2 Blockflöte Cymbel III 16 Contra Fagott 8 Trumpet 8 Fagott 4 Rohr Schalmei CHOIR ORGAN 8 Nason Flute 8 Flauto Dolce 8 Flute Celeste 4 Koppelflöte 2 2/3 Nasard 2 Spitz Principal 2 Waldflöte 1 3/5 Terz 1 1/3 Quint 8 Krummhorn 8 English Horn 8 Bombarde Tremulant PEDAL ORGAN 16 Contrabass 16 Bourdon 16 Gedeckt 8 Principal 8 Gedeckt 4 Choralbass 4 Gedeckt 16 Bombarde 16 Fagotto 8 Bombarde |