First Presbyterian Church

710 Kansas City Street
Rapid City, SD 57701

Builder: M.P. Möller Co., Op. 8351, 1952.
Manuals: 2
Ranks: 13
Pipes: 884
Divisions: 3
Stops: 24
Action: Electro-pneumatic

Notes: Stephen Schnurr and Organ Historical Society as of 2008 and Jeff Scofield in 2016.
Editor's note: From the Facebook pictures, it appears the organ is NOT the Moller, but rather an electronic, perhaps Rodgers with lighted stops.

GREAT (enclosed with Sw)
8' Diapason 61
8' Melodia 61
8' Gemshorn 61
4' Octave 61
4' Koppelflöte 61
2 2/3' Quint 61
2' Super Octave 61
    Gt/Gt (16'/Uni Off/4')
    Blank (prepared)

16' Rohrbourdon 61
8' Principal 73
8' Rohrflöte12
8' Salicional 73
8' Voix Celeste (TC) 61
4' Principal 12
4' Rohrflöte 12
2 2/3' Rohrflöte 7
2' Rohrflöte 5
8' Trumpet 73
4' Trumpet 12
    Sw/Sw (16'/Uni Off/4')
    Blank (prepared)

16' Contra Bass 32
16' Rohrbourdon (Sw)
8' Geigen 12
8' Gemshorn(Gt)
8' Rohrflöte (Sw)
4' Geigen 12