Builder: Wicks Organ Co., 1988. Manuals: 3 Ranks: 40 Pipes: 2,446 Divisions: 4 Stops: 28 Compass: 61/32 Action: Wicks Direct Electric (c) Notes: This organ replaced a 21-rank instrument by (Moller), located in chambers on the north side of the chancel with the choir nearby. In 1963, both choir and console were moved to the balcony and the organ was enlarged and divided. In 1986, after substantial water damage, the church approved the Wicks proposal to reuse 95% of the existing pipework, renovation of the console, revoicing of the pipes, exposure of the Great and portions of the Pedal, and replacement of all windchests. Installation was completed in mid-December 1988. Additional information from Jeff Scofield and Organ Historical Society as of 2015. GREAT 8' Principal 61 8' Bourdon 61 8' Dulciana (Ch) 4' Octave 61 4' Spillpfeife 61 2' Super Octave 61 Mixture IV 244 8' Trumpet 8' Krummhorn 61 SWELL ORGAN 16' Gedeckt 12 8' Gedeckt 61 8' Viola 61 8' Viola Celeste (TC) 49 4' Geigen Principal 61 4' Harmonic Flute 61 2.2/3' Nasat 61 2' Flautino 12 1.3/5' Tierce 37 Plein Jeu IV 244 16' Contra Hautbois 61 8' Trompette 61 8' Oboe 12 4' Clairon 12 Tremolo Sw/Sw (16'/Uni Off/4') CHOIR ORGAN 8' Doppelflöte 61 8' Dulciana 61 8' Unda Maris 49 4' Concert Flute 61 2.2/3' Nazard 61 2' Zartflöte 61 1.1/3' Quinte 12 Cymbal IV 244 Tremolo Ch/Ch (16'/Uni Off/4') PEDAL ORGAN 16' Principal 32 16' Bourdon 32 16' Lieblich Gedeckt SW 8' Principal12 8' Bourdon 12 4' Choralbass 32 4' Flute12 2' Super Octave 12 Mixture IV 128 32' Bombarde 12 16' Bombarde 32 8' Trumpet 32 4' Clarion 12 |