South Dakota State University

Founders' Hall
1601 University Boulevard
Brookings, SD 57007

(See additional entry of an earlier Estey Pipe Organ at SDSU/Brookings.)
Builder: Reuter Organ Co., Op. 1361, 1962.
2019 Salmen Organ Co.moved and enlarged
Manuals: 3
Ranks: 51
Stops: 41
Action: Electro-pnematic

Notes: The 2,848-pipe Reuter-Salmen organ is a central element in Founders' Recital Hall. Originally built by the Reuter Organ Company in 1962 (as Opus 1361), this instrument was refurbished and expanded to its current 41 stop, 51 rank configuration by David Salmen. Salmen Organs. Founders Recital Hall reflects the exceptional tradition of music education and performance. The name honors the words and intention of benefactor Horace Fishback III, who grew up in Brookings and went on to become a professional organist, composer and professor. 225 seats create an intimate and interactive space for musicians and visitors. Over one hundred annual recitals by music faculty, students and visiting artists are presented each year. Malcom Holzman states, “four slim wood columns, two large beams and an inverted woven wood basket shelter the audience. Silver leafing, zinc shingles and pips add sparkle to the earth tones.” Photos from the SDSU Facilities webpage; stoplist from David Salmen.

16' Quintaten
8' Principal
8' Bourdon
8' Flute Conique
8' Rohrflute (Sw)
4' Octave
4' Spillflote
2' Fifteenth
    Fourniture IV
    Scharf III
8' Trompete
8' Hautbois (Sw)
8' Festival Trumpet

16' Lieblich Gedeckt
8' Rohrflote
8' Salicional
8' Voix Celeste
8' Gemshorn
8' Gemshorn Celeste
4' Principal
4' Nachthorn
2.2/3' Nasard
2' Blockflote
1.3/5' Tierce
    Mixture II
16' Fagot-Hautbois
8' Trompette
8' Hautbois

8' Gedeckt
8' Gemshorn (Sw)
8' Gemshorn Celeste (Sw)
4' Principal
4' Koppleflote
2' Principal
1.1/3' Quinte
1' Sifflote
    Cymbal III
16' Bassoon
8' Krummhorn
16' Festival Trumpet (Gt)
8' Festival Trumpet (Gt)
4' Festival Trumpet (Gt)

32' Bourdon
16' Principal
16' Lieblich Gedeckt (Sw)
16' Quintaten (Gt)
8' Octave
8' Spitzflute
8' Lieblich Gedeckt (Sw)
4' Choral Bass
4' Lieblich Gedeckt (Sw)
2' Spitzprincipal
    Terz Mixtur III
16' Basson (Pos)
16' Fagott (Sw)
8' Bombarde
4' Schalmei
8' Festival Trumpet (Gt)

Colorado Women's College
Whatley Chapel
Johnson & Wales University
7150 Montview Blvd.
Denver, CO 80220

Builder: Reuter Organ Co., Op. 1361, 1962.
Manuals: 3
Ranks: 38
Action: Electro-pnematic

16' Quintaten
8' Principal
8' Bourdon
4' Octave
4' Spillflöte
2' Fifteenth
    Mixture IV
8' Trumpet

8' Rohrflöte
8' Salicional
4' Nachthorn
2.2/3' Nasard
2' Blockflöte
1.3/5' Tierce
    Mixture II
8' Trompette
4' Hautbois

8' Gedeckt
8' Gemshorn
8' Gemshorn Celeste
4' Principal
2' Principal
1.1/3' Quint
1' Sifflöte
    Cymbal III
8' Krummhorn
16' Trumpet
8' Trumpet
4' Trumpet

16' Principal
16' Lieblichgedeckt
16' Quintaten (Gt)
8' Octave
8' Lieblichgedeckt
4' Choral Bass
4' Lieblichgedeckt
2' Koppelflöte
    Mixture III
16' Fagotto
8' Fagotto
4' Schalmei