Builder: M.P. Möller, Op. 8991, 1957. Manuals: 3 Ranks: 25 Stops: 34 Action: Electro-pneumatic Notes: Information from Jeff Scofield and Organ Historical Society database as of 2012. David Salmen Organs (SD) did work in 1999 rearranging some ranks and adding a few. See separate listing. GREAT ORGAN 16' Quintaton 61 8' Diapason 61 8' Bordun 61 4' Octave 61 2' Nachthorn 61 Fourniture IV 244 Tremulant 16'/Uni Off/4' (Gt/Gt) Chimes 25 (Deagan) SWELL ORGAN 8' Rohrflöte 61 8' Viole de Gambe 61 8' Viole Celeste 49 4' Spitzprincipal Plein Jeu III 183 16' Bassoon 61 L/2 8' Trompette 61 Tremulant 16'/Uni Off/4' (Sw/Sw) Blank (prepared) Blank (prepared) CHOIR ORGAN 16' Gemshorn 61 8' Lochgedeckt 61 8' Gemshorn 12 4' Harmonic Flute 61 2 2/3' Nazard 61 2' Zartflöte 61 Tremulant 16'/Uni Off/4' (Ch/Ch) Blank (prepared) Blank (prepared) PEDAL ORGAN 16' Soubasse 32 16' Quintaton (Gt) 16' Gemshorn (Ch) 8' Principal 32 8' Bourdon 12 8' Quintaton (Gt) 8' Gemshorn (Ch) 4' Octave 12 4' Nachthorn 12 (Gt) 4' Quintaton (Gt) 2' Octavin 12 2' Nachthorn (Gt) 16' Bassoon (Sw) 8' Bassoon (Sw) 4' Bassoon (Sw) Blank (prepared) Blank (prepared) |