Builder: Reuter Organ Co., Op. 1875, 1974
(rebuilt and
installed by Reuter as Op1875-A, 2007). Manuals: 2 Ranks: 39 Action: Electro-pneumatic Notes: Reuter Opus 1875 was originally built in 1974 for St. Luke’s Lutheran Church in Minneapolis (St. Louis Park), Minnesota. The two manual, 20 rank organ was relocated and expanded for a new home at St. Bartholomew Catholic Church in 2007. The new configuration features a Choir Organ located in front of the nave near the choir seating and console. The main organ divisions are located high above the entrance doors at the back of the nave. The installation was completed by Steve Barnhart, Minnesota District Representative for Reuter. Photos and information from Richard Clarke and Organ Historical Society as of 2011. Crist and Reding are family names as memorials Editor's note: St. Luke's is an A-frame, dark building, now occupied by a different congregation. The organ was utilitarian but not inspiring. This transplant is a very happy outcome for this organ. It now resides in a bright and resonant space. Many exciting programs with choir have been held at St. Bartholomew's. GREAT ORGAN 16’ Chimney Flute (Sw) 8’ Principal 61 8’ Harmonic Flute 61 8’ Bourdon en bois 61 4’ Octave 61 4’ Spillflute 61 2’ Fifteenth 61 1.1/3’ Quinte 61 Mixture III 183 16’ Posaune (Pedal) 8’ Posaune (Pedal) 8’ Crist Festival Trumpet 61 8’ Krummhorn 61 8’ Hautbois (Swell) Tremulant Reding Chimes MIDI SWELL ORGAN 16’ Chimney Flute 73 8’ Principal 61 8’ Chimney Flute 8’ Viole 61 8’ Viole Celeste (TC) 49 4’ Prestant 61 4’ Spitzflute 61 2.2/3’ Nazard 61 2’ Blockflute 61 1.3/5’ Tierce 61 Plein Jeu IV 244 16’ Basson Hautbois 73 16’ Crist FestivalTrumpet (Gt) 8’ Trompette 61 8’ Hautbois 8’ Crist Festival Trumpet (Gt) 4’ Clarion (prep.) Tremulant MIDI CHOIR ORGAN (FLOATING) 8’ Principal 61 8’ Gedeckt 61 4’ Octave 61 4’ Chimney Flute 61 2’ Flachflute 61 PEDAL ORGAN 32’ Resultant 16’ Principal 44 16’ Subbass 56 16’ Chimney Flute (Sw) 8’ Principal 8’ Subbass 8’ Chimney Flute (Sw) 4’ Choral Bass 32 4’ Subbass Mixture II 64 32’ Contre Posaune (pf) 16’ Posaune 73 16’ Basson Hautbois (Sw) 8’ Posaune(Sw) 4’ Posaune 4’ Schalmey 32 8’ Crist Festival Trumpet (Gt) MIDI Reding Chimes (Gt) |
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