Builder: Hendrickson Organ Co., Op. 53, 1979 Manuals: 2 Ranks: 27 Stops: 21 Action: Mechanical Notes: The new organ was all mechanical, with a reversed console facing down the nave. Magnificent acoustics enhanced the organ. 8' Principal in the facade was aluminum. The Estey 16' Bourdon and 8' Open Diapason were saved for the pedal, along with one of the 8' Estey strings which was rescaled to form the 4' Choralbass. Three remaining strings were also retained. Great is on the left, Swell on the right, Pedal behind. The bottom photo shows the organ case exposed when the rose window blew out during during the tornado. The numerous beautiful windows were lost when the wind blew them in and destroyed the building designed by Masqueray. St. Peter's owned four buildings on the block next to the city park. In some ways the storm was fortuitous. St. Mary's had recently been closed (razed) and the two merged churches were struggling to work together. There was a project in the works to add a narthex, cloak room, and passage to the school next door. I was fortunate to voice this organ and to play the dedication. -- David Engen GREAT ORGAN 16 Bourdon 8 Principal 8 Koppelflöte 8 Dolce (old) 4 Octave 4 Spitzflöte 2 Waldflöte 2.2/3 Kornet II Mixture IV-VI 8 Trumpet Tremulant SWELL ORGAN 8 Gedackt 8 Salicional (old) 8 Celeste tc (old) 4 Spitzgedackt 2 Principal 1.1/3 Quintflöte 8 Cromorne Tremulant PEDAL ORGAN 16 Subbass (old) 8 Principal (old) 4 Choral Bass (old, rescaled) 16 Fagott |