Builder: Wicks Organ Co., Opus 169, 1916. Hunt Organ Co. , 1959 Manuals: 3 Ranks: 30 Action: Wicks Direct Electric (c) Notes: Organ Historical Society as of 2009. The original Wicks organ is dated 1916 by OHS, but this organ is not found in that year in the Wicks opus list. It was installed in the previous church on St. Peter St. The only entry around this time in the opus list is Opus 169, 1915, St. Paul's German Ev. Church, which was the original name of the church. There was a major renevation in 1939. The current building dates from 1952 when it was moved. The Hunt additions are primarily an exposed Great, made largely of aluminum pipes. The console is in the chancel on the left side. -- notes and stoplist from Geoff Olson GREAT 8' Open Diapason I 8' Open Diapason II 8' Doppel Flute 8' Melodia 8' Viole Celeste 4' Principal 4' Octave 8' Trumpet Chimes 16, uo, 4 Great to Great 16, 8, 4 Swell to Great 16, 8, 4 Choir to Great MIDI 5 & 6 EXPOSED GREAT 8' Principal 8' Rohr Flute 4' Octave 2.2/3' Twelfth 2' Fifteenth Mixture III SWELL 16' Lieblich Gedeckt 8' Geigen Diapason 8' Stopped Flute 8' Salicional 8' Voix Celeste 4' Geigen Octave 4' Harmonic Flute 4' Flute d'Amour 2.2/3' Nazard 2' Piccolo 1.3/5' Tierce 16' Fagotto 8' Cornopean 8' Oboe 4' Rohr Schalmei Tremolo 16, uo, 4 Swell to Swell MIDI 7 & 8 CHOIR 8' Open Diapason 8' Rohr Flute 8' Melodia 8' Viole 8' Viole Celeste 4' Principal 4' Koppel Flute 4' Melodia 2.2/3' Twelfth 2' Principal 1.1/3' Larigot Tremolo 16, uo, 4 Choir to Choir 16, 8, 4 Swell to Choir MIDI 3 & 4 PEDAL 32' Resultant 16' Principal 16' Open Wood 16' Bourdon 16' Lieblich Gedeckt 8' Octave 8' Bass Flute 8' Flauto Dolce 4' Choral Bass 16' Trombone 4' Rohr Schalmei 8, 4 Great to Pedal 8, 4 Swell to Pedal 8, 4 Choir to Pedal MIDI 1 & 2 ELECTRONIC STOPS (Romantic module) DIVISION A 8' Cello 8' Cello Celeste Cornet des Bombardes IV 16' Cornopean 8' Clarinet 8' Orchestral Oboe 8' French Horn 8' Cor Anglais 8' Tuba Mirabilis 4' Clarion Tremulant DIVISION B 8' Open Diapason 8' Flauto Mirabilis 4' Concert Flute 2.2/3' Quint Flute 2' Piccolo 8' Vox Humana Tremulant PEDAL 32' Contre Violone 16' Contre Gambe 32' Contre Basson 16' Ophicleide |
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ELECTRONIC STOPS (Classic Module) DIVISION A 8' Corno di Bassetto Plein Jeu IV-V 4' Clarion 8' Festival Trumpet 4' Koppelflote 16' Bombarde 8' Harmonic Trumpet 8' Flute a Cheminee 8' Gemshorn 8' Gemshorn Celeste Tremulant DIVISION B 4' Flute Octaviante 2' Octave Cymbale III 8' Principal 8' Holzgedackt 8' Flute Harmonique Tremulant PEDAL 16' Contre Gambe 16' Bombarde 32' Contre Basse 32' Contre Bombarde |