Builder: Obermeyer Organ Co., 2002. (much of the previous Moller was used in the rebuilt instrument). Manuals: 3 Ranks: 32 Stops: 43 Action: Electro-pneumatic Notes: Obermeyer rebuilt, rearranged chests (some new) and provided a new console. Richard C. Greene, Jeff Scofield, and Organ Historical Society as of 2010. GREAT ORGAN (exposed) 8 Diapason 61 8 Doppelflute 61 4 Octave 61 4 Flute Harmonique 61 2 Fifteenth (ext of Octave) 12 1.1/3 Mixture IV 244 (new) 8 Trumpet 61 8 Bombarde (Ch) Chimes MIDI SWELL ORGAN 16 Bourdon 61 8 Diapason 61 8 Rohr Gedeckt 61 (revoiced) 8 Viol 61 8 Viol Céleste (TC) 49 4 Principal 61 4 Flute Traverso 61 2 Principal 12 2 Flute (ext. 4 Flute) 12 (new) 1.1/3 Mixture II 122 8 Oboe 61 8 Bombarde (Ch) 4 Clarion 61 Tremolo MIDI CHOIR ORGAN 8 Geigen Diapason 61 8 Concert Flute 61 8 Flute Céleste (TC) 49 (former Gt Melodia) 8 Gamba 61 4 Gemshorn 61 4 Flute d’Amour 61 2.2/3 Nazard (ext. 4’ Gemshorn) 2 Piccolo 61 1.3/5 Tierce 49 8 Clarinet 61 8 Bombarde 61 Tremolo MIDI PEDAL ORGAN 32 Resultant (derived) 16 Diapason 32 16 Bourdon 32 16 Violine 32 8 Violine (ext) 12 8 Flute (ext. Ch 8 Flute) 12 4 Choralbass (ext. Sw 4 Principal) 12 16 Trumpet (digital ext of Gt Trumpet) 8 Trumpet Gt 4 Clarion (ext. 8 Sw Bombarde) 12 |