Builder: Austin Organ Co, Opus 105 (1903) Manuals: 2 Ranks: 13 Action: Electro-pneumatic (Austin Universal Chest system) Notes: Rebuild by Harry Iverson in 1925 --Information from Charles Hackman. Last Update: 2009. Photo of George Thornton at the Austin console, ca. 1940. Choristers in front of Austin facade. No date. GREAT ORGAN 8 Diapason 8 Diapason* 8 Claribel Flute 8 Gamba* 8 Dulciana 4 Octave 8 Tuba* Chimes* SWELL ORGAN 8 Diapason 8 Rohr Flute 8 Salicional 8 Viole d’Orchestra 8 Cornopean 8 Vox Humana* 4 Harmonic Flute CHOIR ORGAN 8 Gedeckt* 8 Gemshorn* 8 Gemshorn Celeste* 4 Chimney Flute* 8 Clarinet* PEDAL ORGAN 16 Major Diapason* 16 Subass 16 Violone* 16 Bourdon 8 Gedackt (ext Bourdon) *Additions by Iverson in 1925 |
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Stoplist is from a letter from Jack Fisher to Otto Hofmann, 17 April
– 14 May, 1950. (11 pages, typed, with hand sketches). *Except for the Vox Humana on the Swell, the stops marked with an asterisk were placed in the tower room on Pitman chests (just above the former baptistry). Some stops were moved/removed by Jack Fisher in the early ‘50’s: “As I told you, Bob Sheaffer & Glenn and I took out of this organ a 16’ Open Diapason (Oh my back - never shall I forget it) to make room for additions; later I learned that it had originally been a stopped 32’ and had been opened up to 16’ to add to this organ in 1927.” 11 September 1951 - JF to OH “I did make 3 minor changes in the organ - the choir strings I moved to the Swell - trading the Salicional and Voil D’Orches. (at 16’ - fries less bacon - also 4’ metal Chimney Flute from Ch to Gt - and Dulciana - vice versa - which temporarily will make a celeste with the Sal in the Choir. The 4’ Flute sounds like a new rank in the Gt - unrecognizable, and , being unenclosed, has the loveliest tinkle throughout.” |