Builder: Aeolian-Skinner, Opus 1446, 1964 Manuals: 3 Ranks: 59 Stops: 54 Pipes: 3297 Action: Electropneumatic Notes: In the Janet Wallace hall, Great and Pedal were on the left with the larger pipes spread across the front. Stacked Swell and Choir (Choir on top) right of center, and Positiv on the far right. The console was originally on the main stage and movable, but since the organ was rarely used it was moved off the stage and placed on the far left on a level with the pipes. It was impossible to hear balance from that location. In 2011 it was extensively rebuilt by Holtkamp for Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran in Apple Valley where it is used far more than it ever was at Macalester. GREAT 16' Quintaton 61 8' Principal 61 8' Bourdon 61 4' Octave 61 4' Rohrflöte 61 2' Blockflöte 61 2.2/3' Sesquialtera II 122 Fourniture IV 244 SWELL 16' Rohrbass 12 8' Rohrflöte 61 8' Spitzviol 61 8' Viol Celeste 61 4' Prestant 61 2' Zauberflöte 61 Plein Jeu III-V 269 16' Basson 61 8' Trompette 61 4' Clairon 61 Tremulant POSITIV 8' Gemshorn 61 8' Singendgedeckt 61 4' Principal 61 4' Koppelflöte 61 2. Oktav 61 1.1/3' Nasat 61 1' Sifflöte 61 Scharf III 183 Tremulant |
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CHOIR (floating) 8' Viola Pomposa 61 8' Viola Celeste 61 8' Flauto Dolce 61 8' Flute Celeste 54 4' Spitzflöte 61 2' Italian Principal 61 Cymbale IV 244 16' Rankett 61 8' Krummhorn 61 4' Rohrschalmei 61 Tremulant PEDAL 32' Sub Bass 7 (quints for bottom 5 notes) 16' Principal 32 16' Subbass 32 16' Quintaton GT 16' Rohrbass SW 8' Octave 32 8' Spitzflöte 32 8' Rohrflöte SW 4' Choralbass 32 4' Nachthorn 32 Mixture IV 128 32' Contre Basson 12 (SW) 16' Posaune 32 16' Basson SW 8' Posaune 12 8' Basson SW 4' Posaune 12 4' Basson SW |