Builder: M.P. Möller Opus 9760, 1962 Gould & Schultz, 1998 Manuals: 3 Ranks: 23 Action: Electropneumatic Notes: Photos and stoplist updated 9 April 2021 from personal visit by David Grandall. GREAT 6 ranks, 3 stops 8' Diapason 61 8' Rohrflöte 61* 4' Octave 61* 4' Flute 12* 2' Fifteenth 12* Fourniture III-IV 201 Chimes MIDI * new pipes and windchest by Gould & Schultz SWELL 9 ranks, 7 stops 8' Hohlflöte 61 8' Salicional 68 8' Voix Celeste tc 56 4' Principal 61* 4' Flute 12 2.2/3' Nazard -- 2' Flautino 12 Plein Jeu III 183* 16' Hautbois tc 8' Trumpet 68 8' Hautbois 68 4' Clarion 12 Tremolo MIDI * new pipes and windchest by Moller CHOIR 6 ranks, 6 stops 8' Koppelflöte 68 8' Spitzflöte 68 8' Unda Maris tc 56 4' Nachthorn 61 2.2/3' Nasat 61 2' Nachthorn 12 1.3/5' Tierce 61* Tremolo * new pipes and windchest by Gould & Schultz PEDAL 1 rank, 1 stop 32' Resultant -- 16' Contrebasse 32 16' Bourdon 12 (Sw Hohlflute) 8' Octave 12 8' Flute (Sw) 4' Choralbass 12 4' Flute (Sw) 16' Bombarde 12 (Sw) MIDI Usual sub and super couplers |
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