St. John's Lutheran Church

500 West Third St.
Northfield, MN 55057

Builder: Andover Organ Co, Opus 51, 1965
Manuals: 2
Ranks: 28
Stops: 20
Action: Mechanical key, electric stop

Notes: The enclosed great was nestled into the peak, with the pedal split on each side. The positiv case, on the rail, was made largely of glass. The key action for great and pedal was visible within a glass-enclosed chase. These were the early days of the tracker revival, so the visible action and roller boards were a curiosity. Both the Great and Pedal reeds were horizontal. The combination action was by setterboard in drawers, and before the organ was removed the cables had shorted and the combinations were not reliable. With so much of the action visible, it made a lot of noise. The Slic slider motors also made a lot of noise. Organists here included David N. Johnson, G. Winston Cassler and Jean Narum.
-- Information from John Panning at Dobson: The organ was sold to Bethlehem Baptist in Minneapolis. The conservative pastor was opposed to the project, so the contract was canceled and the organ was shipped to Colorado.
-- Photos from Organ Historical Society; information from personl recollections by David Engen.

GREAT ORGAN (enclosed)
8' Principal
8' Gemshorn
8' Gemshorn Celeste
4' Octave
4' Rohrflöte
2' Blockflöte
2' Mixture IV
8' Trumpet-en-chamade

8' Gedeckt
4' Hohlflöte
2' Principal
2.2/3' Sesquialtera II
    Cymbal II
8' Krummhorn

16' Subbass
8' Principal
8' Bourdon
4' Principal
2.2/3' Mixture IV
16' Posaune-en-chamade