St Paul's Lutheran

Gallery Organ

201 N. State Street
New Ulm, MN 56072
Builder: Wicks Organ Company, Opus 6017, 1985
Manuals: 3
Ranks: 42
Stops: 30
Action: Wicks Direct Electric®
Rebuild of Wicks organ from 1951, partially moved from chancel chambers to gallery case. 2388 pipes (1500 new, 888 used). In 2019, memory was increased to 128 levels, keyboards were adjusted, pistons added. Opus 6017 is listed as 5 ranks, 2 manuals in the Wicks opus list.

-- Information from 1985 dedication brochure and email from John Nolte
-- Last update 4 December 2020

* Indicates pipes from the 1952 Wicks
** Indicates pipes from 1901 Vogelpohl
16' Violone 61*
8' Principal 61
8' Rohr Pommer 61
8' Doppelfloete 61*
4' Octave 61
4' Flute Harmonic 61**
2-2/3' Rauschpfeife II 122**
2' Auszug --
1-1/3' Mixture IV-V 268
16' Chalumeau 12
8' Clarinet 61*
4' Clarion 61*
8' Horizontal Trumpet 61
8' Swell to Great
4' Swell to Great
8' Positive to Great

16' Pommer Gedeckt (Gt)
8' Metall Gedeckt 61
4' Koppel Floete 61
2.2/3' Nasat 61
2' Italian Principal 61
1.3/5' Terz TC 49
1.1/3' Klein Nasat 5
1' Siffloete --
1/2' Zimbel II 98
8' Horizontal Trumpet (Gt)
8' Clarinet (Gt)
8' Swell to Positive 
8' Violin Diapason 61 **
8' Holz Gedeckt 61
8' Salicional 61
8' Schwebung II 110*
4' Principal 61**
4' Gemshorn 61
2' Piccolo 61*
1' Scharf III 172
16' Bassoon 12
8' Oboe 61
4' Swell to Swell
8' Positive to Swell
32' Resultant --
16' Principal 32*
16' Subbass 32*
16' Pommer 12
8' Octave 12*
8' Gemshorn 12
8' Rohrpommer (Gt)
4' Choralbass 32**
4' Open Flute 12*
2' Octave 12*
2-2/3' Mixture IV 128
32' Contra Bassoon 12
16' Posaune 24*
16' Chalumeau (Gt)
8' Horizontal Trumpet (Gt)
4' Oboe (Sw)
8' Great to Pedal
8' Swell to Pedal
8' Positive to Pedal