Builders: 1871 - E. & G. G. Hook Opus 581 1928 - Welte Organ Co 1929 - Welte Tripp Organ Co 1920 - Kimball Organ Co (Antiphonal) 1953 - Aeolian-Skinner Co (Swell Trumpet) 1961 - M. P. Möller (Console) Opus M-13082 1964 - M. P. Möller Opus R-738 Manuals: 4 Stops: 88 Divisions: 7 Action: Electropneumatic -- Organ Historical Society Organ Database. Stoplist from Jeff Scofield. Additional information from David Engen, St. Mark's organ curator, and Canon Musician, Howard Don Small, 2009. Public domain photos from Google. From the Cathedral website: The great Cathedral organ which now serves St. Mark's has gone through a number of evolutions over the years. In 1928, a four-manual organ was installed by the Welte Organ Company. The instrument, designed by Charles Courboin, organist of St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York City, and Stanley Avery, organist of St. Mark's from 1909 to 1949, was well-known for the breadth and beauty of its ensemble. An 8-foot trumpet was added to the Swell Organ by the Aeolian-Skinner Organ Company during the tenure of Dr. Edward Berryman (1949-1959). The distinguished Canadian organist Gerald Bales, at St. Mark's from 1959 to 1971, supervised the addition of a four-manual console by M. P. Moller in 1961. In 1964, a complete rebuilding was carried out by the Moller Company. Twenty-five ranks were retained from the 1928 Welte organ. (Several Welte ranks were stored in the bell tower - Ed.) The original wind chests were rebuilt, with the exception of the great wind chests which were replaced with new lower-pressure chests. The M.P. Möller Company The Cathedral Church of St Mark. Minneapolis, MN September 1, 1964 Specification for Rebuilding, enlarging and relocating existing Welte Organ CONSOLE Existing four manual draw knob type console, pedal keyboard and organ bench to be used without change, except for necessary changing of present draw knobs due to revised specifications. GREAT ORGAN Install new unenclosed Great Organ as specified. MAIN CHESTS Re-leather 1286 manual pipe pouches. Re-leather 18 stop action primaries. Re-leather four 73 note primary stations. Re-leather one 20 note Pedal primary. Re-leather one 68 note Pedal primary. OFFSET ACTIONS Install the following new actions: Swell III-IV Plein Jeu - #1 - #6 incl. Bombarde 8 Violoncello - #1 - #68 incl. Bombarde 4 Octave - #1 - #68 incl. Re-leather the following existing actions: Swell 16 Bourdon - #1 - #12 incl. Swell 8 Principal - #1 - #6 incl. Swell 16 Double Trumpet - #1 - #12 incl. Bombarde 8 Bombarde - #1 - #12 incl. Bombarde 8 Tuba Harmonic - #1 - #6 incl. Bombarde 8 Violoncello - #1 - #12 incl. Bombarde 4 Octave - #1 to #6 incl. Install the following new Electropneumatic switches with stop actions. Great Chimes 25 notes Choir Harp 61 notes Bombarde 8 Bombarde #1 to #12 incl - 12 notes Bombarde 8 Tuba Harmonic - #1 - 68 incl - 68 notes Bombarde 7 Violoncello - #1 to #68 incl - 68 notes Bombarde 4 Octave - #1 to #68 incl - 68 notes Present chime tubes and action in Bombarde Organ Division to be moved to Antiphonal Organ division. PEDAL ORGAN Re-leather 16 Open Wood action #1 to #31 incl. and install new action for #32. Re-leather 16 Open Metal action #1 to #24 incl. install new action for 16 Open Metal #25 to #68 incl. Re-leather 16 Bourdon action #1 to #56 incl. Re-leather 16 Contra Gamba action #1 to#44 incl. Install new action for 16 Bombarde #1 to #44 incl. Install new 32 note Pedal Relay with Twenty-nine 32 note switches. EXPRESSION Re-leather 17 note expression action for Swell Organ. Re-leather 10 note expression action for Choir Organ. Re-leather 9 note expression action for Bombarde Organ Re-leather 36 shade motor pneumatics. Re-work present shades to open when wind is turned off Re-work and enlarge swell box as required. RESERVOIRS Three (3) 2’-6” x 4’-0” Manual Reservoirs One (1) 3’-0” x 5’-0” Manual Reservoir One (1) 2’ 0” x 3’-0” Pedal Reservoir Two (2) 2’-6” x 4’-0” Pedal Reservoirs TREMOLOS Re-leather three pneumatic-type tremolos with stop actions. PIPES - Install the following new pipes: Great 16 Quintaton 73 8 Principal 61 8 Rohrflöte 61 8 Gemshorn 61 4 Octave 61 4 Spitzflöte 61 III-V Fourniture 257 Swell 8 Viole 68 8 Viole Céleste tc 56 8 Dolce 68 8 Dolce Céleste tc 56 III-IV Plein Jeu 232 8 Gedeckt Choir 8 Gedeckt 4 Koppelflute 68 2-2/3 Nazard 61 2 Blockflöte 61 1-3/5 Tierce 61 1 Sifflöte 61 Bombarde 8 Violoncello 68 4 Octave 62-68 7 Pedal 16 Open Metal 62-68 7 16 Bombarde 56 RE-VOICE Swell 16 Bourdon (present 4 Flute Traverso pipes #4’C) - 56 4 Geigen Principal (present 4 Geigen Octave pipes) - 68 4 Forest Flute (present Choir 4 Forest Flute pipes) - 68 2 Flautino (present Swell 2 Harmonic Piccolo pipes) - 68 Choir 8 Erzähler - 68 8 Erzähler Celeste tc - 56 8 English Horn 61 Bombarde 8 Clarabel Flute (present Swell 8 Clarabel Flute pipes) 68 4 Octave (present Choir 8 Diapason pipes) 61 Pedal 16 Open Metal (present Great 16 Great Open Diapason pipes) - 61 CABLES Install new plastic covered cables between console and organ as required. Present cables to be used in so far as possible. Present action current wires to be used without change. BLOWER Present motor and blower to be used without change POWER UNIT Present Orgelectra organ power unit to be used without change. GENERAL Great, Swell, Bombarde and Pedal Organs to be returned to factory of M.P. Möller, Inc. in Hagerstown, MD for rebuilding as specified. Great Organ (unenclosed), Bombarde Organ (enclosed), to be relocated in present Swell Organ space. Swell Organ to be relocated in present Great-Bombarde Organ space. Choir Organ to remain as is except for tonal changes as listed in revised specifications. Antiphonal Organ to remain as is without change. SPECIFICATION Manual Compass: CC to C4, 61 notes Pedal Compass: CCC to G, 32 notes Wind Pressure: Gr. 4”; Sw. 7” & 10”, Ch. 5”; Bomb. 12”; Ped. 7” & 12” Pitch: A-440 @ 70 degrees F. GREAT ORGAN 1. 16 Quintaton, new pipes; new action 73 2. 8 Principal, new pipes; new action 61 3. 8 Quintaton, from #1 4. 8 Rohrflöte, new pipes; new action 61 5. 8 Gemshorn, new pipes; new action 61 6. 4 Octave, new pipes; new action 61 7. 4 Spitzflöte, new pipes; new action 61 8. 2-2/3 Twelfth, new pipes; new action 61 9. 2 Twelfth, new pipes; new action 61 10. III-V Fourniture, new pipes; new action 257 11. Chimes, present tubes, present action 12. Positiv to Great 16 13. Positiv to Great SWELL ORGAN 14.16 Bourdon (unit), present pipes; #1 to #24 incl. present Flute Traverso pipes #25 to #80 incl; present 16 Bourdon action. 15.8 Geigen Principal, present pipes; present action 68 16.8 Gedeckt, from #14 17.8 Viole, new pipes, present action 68 18.Viole Céleste tc, new pipes; present action 56 19.8 Dolce, new pipes; present 8 Aeoline action 68 20.8 Dolce Céleste tc, new pipes; present 1-3/5 Tierce action 56 21.4 Geigen Principal, present 4 Geigen Octave pipes; present 4 Geigen Octave action 68 22.4 Forest Flute, present Choir 4 Forest Flute pipes; present Swell 4 Flûte Traverso action 68 23.2 Flautino, present 2 Harmonic Piccolo pipes; present 2 Harmonic Piccolo action 61 24.III-IV Plein Jeu, new pipes, present 8 Clarabel Flute action 232 25.16 Double Trumpet, present pipes, present action 68 26.8 Oboe, present pipes, present action 68 27.8 Trumpet, present pipes, present action 68 28.8 Vox Humana, present pipes, new action 61 29.4 Clarion, present pipes, present action 68 30. Tremolo CHOIR ORGAN 31.8 Gedeckt, new pipes, present 16 Quintaton action 68 32.8 Erzähler, present pipes, present action 68 33.8 Erzähler Céleste tc, present pipes, present action 56 34.4 Koppelflöte, new pipes, present 8 Diapason action 68 35.2-2/3 Nazard, new pipes, present 8 Clarinet action 61 36.2 Blockflöte, new pipes, present 4 Forest Flute action 61 37.1-3/5 Tierce, new pipes, present 8 Concert Flute action 61 38.1 Sifflöte, new pipes, present 4 Violin action 61 39.8 English Horn, present pipes, present action 61 40.8 Harp, present bars, present action 61 41.Tremolo 42.Positiv to Choir POSITIV (no change) 43.8 Rohrflöte 44. 4 Principal 45. 2 Principal 46.1-1/3 Larigot 47.III Cymbal BOMBARDE ORGAN 48.8 Clarabel Flute, present Swell 8 Claribel Flute pipes; present 8 Gross Gedeckt action 68 49.8 Violoncello, new pipes; new action 68 50.4 Octave, present 4 Octave of Choir 8 Diapason, new pipes #62-68; new action 68 51.8 Bombarde present Great 8 Harmonic Trumpet pipes; present Bombarde 8 French Horn action 68 52.8 Tuba Harmonic, present pipes, present action 68 53.4 Clairon, present pipes; present action 68 54.Tremolo ANTIPHONAL ORGAN (no change) 55.8 Diapason 56.8 Chimney Flute 57.8 Viola 58.8 Viola Celeste tc 59.4 Principal 60.4 Flute 61.II Rauschquint 62.8 Cor Oboe 63.8 Vox Humana 64.8 Trompette-en-Chamade 65.Tremolo 66. Antiphonal to Pedal 67.16 Bourdon (Ped.) PEDAL ORGAN 68.32 Principal Resultant, unison from #69, Quint from #73 32 69.Bourdon Resultant, unison from #73, Quint from #14 32 70.16 Open Wood, present pipes; present action 32 71.Open Metal, present Great 16 Open Diapason pipes; #1 to #61, new pipes #62 to #68, present Pedal 16 Tuba action, #1-56, new action #57 to #68. 68 72.16 Quintaton from #1 32 73.16 Contra Gamba present pipes, present action 44 74.16 Bourdon present pipes; present action 56 75.16 Lieblich from #14 32 76.8 Open Metal from #70 32 77.8 Bourdon from #73 32 78.8 Gedeckt from #14 32 79.8 Gamba from #72 32 80.5-1/3 Quint (prepared for in console only) 81.4 Open Metal from #70 32 82.4 Bourdon from #73 32 83.2 Open Metal from #70 32 84.III Mixture (prepared for in console only) 85.16 Bombard new pipes; new action 56 86.16 Double Trumpet from #25 32 87.8 Bombard from #85 32 88.4 Bombard from #85 32 |
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