Builder: Wicks Organ Co, Opus 3998, 1959 Manuals: 3 Ranks: 25 Action: Wicks Direct Electric® Notes: Pictures of the front of the church and of the console by Chris Stroh. Other pictures from Facebook. GREAT ORGAN 16' Contra-Gemshorn 8' Principal 8' Bourdon 8' Gemshorn (ext) 4' Octave 4' Gemshorn (ext) 2.2/3' Octave Quint 2' Super Octave SWELL ORGAN 16' Rohrflöte 8' Viole d'Gamba 8' Viole Celeste 8' Rohrflöte (ext) 4' Geigen Octave 4' Waldflöte Plein Jeu III 8' Fagott 8' Trompette 8' Clarion Tremolo CHOIR ORGAN 8' Viola 8' Concert Flute 8' Dolcan 8' Dolcan Celeste 4' Koppelflöte 2' Blockflöte 8' Clarinet Tremolo PEDAL ORGAN 16' Principal 16' Bourdon 16' Contra-Gemshorn (Gt) 8' Principal 8' Bass Flute 8' Gemshorn (Gt) 5.1/3' Quinte 4' Bourdon 4' Choral Bass Mixture III 16' Trombone 8' Trompet 4' Clarion |