Builder: Austin Organ Co, Opus 709, 1917, 1924 Manuals: 4 Ranks: 34 (36?) Action: Electropneumatic Notes: 1917: originally installed in the Rivoli Theater, New York. 1924: it was replaced by a Wurlitzer and the Austin was moved to the Lindgren Residence in Minneapolis. 1927: relocated to Central Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, by Harry O. Iverson. Photos of Central before the Casavant installation. 1963: Casavant installed 4/108 at Central. Austin Organ presumably discarded. GREAT ORGAN (encl w/choir) 16' Diapason 61 8' Diapason 61 8' Gross Flute 61 8' Melodia 61 8' Dulciana 61 8' Unda Maris 61 4' Principal 61 8' Trumpet 16', UO, 4' Great to Great SOLO ORGAN 8' Major Flute 73 8' Gamba 73 8' Gamba Celeste 73 4' Flute Overte 73 8' Tuba Magna 73 8' English Horn 73 Tremolo 16', UO, 4' Solo to Solo String Organ Harpe Celeste STRING ORGAN 8' Viol d'Orchestra 73 8' Celeste (sharp) 61 8' Celeste (flat) 61 8' Nitsua* 73 8' Celeste * 61 * tapered Gamba CHOIR & ORCHESTRAL 8' Major Flute (So) 8' Gross Flute (Gt) 8' Concert Flute 73 8' Flute Celeste 61 8' Gamba (So) 8' Gamba Celeste (So) 8' Dulciana (Gt) 8' Unda Maris (Gt) 4' Harmonic Flute 4' Flute Overte (So) 8' Clarinet 73 8' Oboe 73 8' English Horn (So) Tremolo 16', UO, 4' Choir to Choir Chimes Harpe Celeste String Organ SWELL ORGAN 8' Diapason Phonon 74 8' Doppel Flute 73 8' Salicional 73 8' Celeste 61 8' Vox Seraphique 73 8' Quintadena 73 4' Flute Traverso 73 4' Violina 73 16' Contra Fagotto 73 8' Horn 73 8' Vox Humana 73 Tremolo 16', UO, 4' Swell to Swell String Organ |
PEDAL ORGAN 32' Resultant 16' Open Diapason 32 16' Bourdon 32 16' Violone (Gt) 8' Gross Flute (Gt) 8' Dolce Flute 12 8' Cello (So) 16' Tuba 12 (So) 16' Fagotto (Sw) |