Builder: Schantz Organ Co, Opus 2250, 2005 Manuals: 3 Divisions: 5 Stops: 67 Ranks: 56 Action: Electropneumatic Notes: Console and singers are located in a side room on the left, under the Positiv and Pedal which project into the nave. There is a very small choir division there, which forms a backdrop for the altar of a side chapel. On the right side of the nave are the Great and Swell. GREAT ORGAN 16' Violone 8' Principal 8' Violone 8' Bourdon 4' Octave 4' Koppelflöte 2.2/3' Twelfth 2' Super Octave 1.3/5' Seventeenth 1.1/3' Fourniture IV 2/3' Cymbale III 8' Trumpet 8' Festival Trumpet [Swell] Chimes SWELL ORGAN (expressive) 16' Lieblich Gedeckt 8' Geigen Principal 8' Gambe 8' Voix Celeste GG 8' Dolcan 8' Dolcan Celeste TC 8' Rohrflöte 4' Prestant 4' Harmonic Flute 2.2/3' Nasard 2' Octavin 1.3/5' Tierce 2' Plein Jeu IV 16' Basson 8' Trompette 8' Hautbois 4' Clairon 8' Vox Humana Tremulant 8' Festival Trumpet (15" WP) CHOIR ORGAN (expressive) 8' Violin Diapason 8' Gemshorn 4' Principal 4' Chimney Flute 2' Zauberflöte POSITIV ORGAN 8' Prestant 8' Holzgedeckt 4' Principal 4' Nachthorn 2' Octave 2' Blockflöte 1.1/3' Larigot 1' Scharf IV 8' Cromorne Tremulant 8' Hautbois [Swell] 8' Festival Trumpet [Swell] |
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PEDAL ORGAN 32' Contra Violone [digital] 32' Untersatz [digital] 16' Principal 16' Violone [Great] 16' Subbass 16' Lieblich Gedeckt [Swell] 8' Octave 8' Violone [Great] 8' Subbass [ext] 8' Gedeckt [Swell] 4' Choralbass 4' Open Flute 32' Contre Bombarde [digital] 16' Bombarde 16' Basson [Swell] 8' Bombarde [ext] 4' Clairon [ext] 4' Hautbois [Swell] 8' Festival Trumpet [Swell] |
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