Skyrock Farm

2825 Willow Dr.
Medina (Hamel), MN

Builder: Barton #275, 1930, Greenbay Orpheum
Manuals: 3
Ranks: 13
Action: Electropneumatic

Barton stoplist

Barton locations:

  • Opus 275-A: Greenbay Orpheum Theater (1930)
  • Opus 275-B: Zion Lutheran, Monroe, MI (1947)
  • Opus 275-C: Village Inn Pizza, Ft. Wayne, IN (1975)
  • Opus 275-D: moved to unknown pizza restaurant (1980)
  • Opus 275-E: moved to residence in Blackhawk, CO (unknown date)
  • Opus 275-F: moved to American Theater Organ Society, Kansas City, MO (unknown date)
  • Opus 275-G: moved to Skyrock Farm, Medina, MN (2010)

Information from Wikipedia:

The company was founded in 1918 by Dan Barton, who was from Amherst, Wisconsin. The sixth largest builder of theater instruments in the nation, Bartola focused almost exclusively on the Midwest market. Barton later recalled, "We decided to work only a limited territory so we could give prompt service to all our installations. [This territory included] Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Iowa, Indiana and Ohio. No installation was more than an overnight sleeper ride from Chicago."[1] For this reason, the instruments were almost unknown outside of this relatively small area until later years, long after manufacture had ceased, when many were moved from their original homes into venues around the United States. The company built about 250 theater organs from 1918 to 1931.[2]