St Martin Episcopal Church

102 North Park Street
Fairmont, MN
Builder: Robert Hoppe, 2011
M.P. Möller (Opus: 10826, 1971)
Manuals: 2
Ranks: 4
Stops: 4; Viscount digital
Action: Electropneumatic

Notes: There are four unified ranks: Principal, Gemshorn, Flute and Reed.  The console and case are in a medium oak finish.

--Information from Les Hohenstein.
Last Update: 2/2009
--Information from Jay Engquist and dedication brochure from October 13, 2013.

Photo at right is of Jay Engquist at the Moller console when he played a recital at St. Martin's in 2013. Fairmont is Jay's hometown.
16' Quintaton
8' Principal
8' Rohr Flute
8' Gemshorn
8' Unda Maris
4' Octave
4' Flauto Traverso
2-2/3' Cornet

2' Super Octave
8' Tromba

8' Cromorne
Chimes 21 notes
Sw to Gt

8' Gedeckt
8' Salicional
8' Celeste

4' Gemshorn
4' Flute
2-2/3' Nazard

2 Piccolo
1-3/5' Tierce
16' Clarinet

8' Trumpet
8' Oboe
8' Vox Humana
Orchestral Voice (2)

32' Contra Bass
16' Open Bass

16 Bourdon
16' Violone
8' Diapason

8' Gedeckt
4' Tenor Octave
16' Bombarde
8' Trumpet
4' Rohr Schalmei
8' Great to Pedal
8' Swell to Pedal
In 1970, St Martin’s razed its old facility and built an A-frame structure on the same site. M.P. Moller submitted a contract proposal, dated 13 October, 1971 for the sum of $10,100. The contract was accepted and signed in November 1972. Installation was to be completed by 1 February 1972. In 1985, presumably for insurance reasons, M.P. Moller estimated the value at $33,500.

From 2013 organ dedication bulletin:
In November of 1971, The Vestry of St. Martin's Episcopal Church contracted with the M P Moller, Inc., Pipe Organ Architects and Builders, of Hagerstown, Maryland, for the purchase of a four rank unit pipe organ to be installed in February of the following year. Robert H. McCune, local attorney and member of St. Martin's funded the project. A zimbelstern was added in 2006 and chimes were added in 2009.

By 1998, the contacts in the stop rail had become unreliable and repairs were made. By 2005, these repairs had become problematic. It was time to replace the stop rail, but shortage of funds put a damper on that.

2011 brought the settlement of Mr. McCune's estate and a substantial bequest to St. Martin's. The only caveat was that the bequest be used in memory of his son, William E. McCune. Since the pipe organ had been a gift from Mr. McCune, it was decided that a portion of the bequest be used to bring not only the stop rail but the entire inner workings of the pipe organ into the 21st Century. The Vestry contracted with Robert Hoppe and Associates of Algoma, WI, to clean and rewire the case; install a new stop rail, keyboards and pedal contacts and Viscount "Vivace 30 Deluxe" digital components.