Builder: K.C. Marrin (1986) Manuals: 2 Action: Slider chests. Suspended mechanical key action. Electric stop action. Ranks: 31 Notes: from David Engen -- During Frank Winkels' time as music director, a high-end Allen was purchased and installed at the front right of the church. Rob Hoppe Organs of WI electrified the Marrin and connected it to the Allen console. The choir was removed from the balcony to the front. Since the organ case is installed in the middle of the balcony, the choir was separated on the left from the instrumentalists on the right, and the coordination was found to be difficult. The case is also low and has hazardous "head banger" soffits. Notes: from Allen Moe. -- Action had been electrified and the organ connected to an Allen electronic instrument installed at the front of the church sometime in the past. Electrification has been reversed as of May 2009 and organ is again in near original condition with the exception of the stop action which is still electrical with Laukhuff slider motors. Repair to "wilting" Fagott pipes was also done at this time and new supports for these pipes were installed. --Information from the Organ Historical Society. --Information and photo from the church. GREAT ORGAN 16 Bourdon 8 Prestant I-II 8 Gamba Celeste 8 Rohrflöte 4 Octave 4 Spitzflöte 2 Octave IV-VI Mixture III Cornet 8 Trumpet CHAIR ORGAN 8 Gedackt 4 Prestant 4 Rohrflöte 2 Doublette 1-1/3 Larigot III Cymbale 8 Dulcian Tremblant de Bedos PEDAL ORGAN (behind main case) 16 Subbass 8 Openbass 4 Choralbass 16 Fagott 8 Trumpet (Gt) |
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