St John's Abbey Church

Collegeville, MN 55905

Holtkamp (Opus: 1742, 1961)
Manuals: 3
Divisions: 4
Stops: 47

Ranks: 64
Pipes: 3296

Action: Electropneumatic
Designed by: Walter Holtkamp, Sr.
Notes: The dedication recital by Flor Peeters was held November 21, 1961. The organ is placed behind a red acoustically transparent screen located at the front of the 1,400-seat nave.  Positiv at lower right with Great above.  Stacked Swell on left. Approximately 7 seconds of reverberation.
--The stoplist is from the April 1962 issue of THE DIAPASON.
--Specification and photos from Jeff Scofield.
Last Update: 10/2011
2019-2020 Martin Pasi is enlarging it. Information will follow when available.

16' Quintadena 61
8' Principal 61
8' Flute 61
8' Gedackt 61
4' Octave 61
4' Spitzflöte 61
2' Superoctave 61
1-1/3' Octave Quint 61
IV Mixture 244
III Scharf 183
8' Trumpet 61

8' Rohrflöte 61
8' Lieblickgedackt 61
8' Spitzgamba 61
8' Voix Céleste 56
4' Octave Geigen 61
4' Bourdon 61
2' Doublette 61
1' Piccolo 61
III Sesquialtera 183
IV Plein Jeu 244
16' Basson 61
8' Fagott 73
4' Oboe Clarion 73

8' Copula 61
4' Praestant 61
4' Rohrflöte 61
2-2/3' Nazard 61
2' Octave 61
2' Blockflöte 61
1-3/5' Tierce 61
III Fourniture 183
8' Cromorne 61

16' Principal 32
16' Subbass 44 (10-2/3' in Cornet)
16' Quintadena GT
10-2/3' Quintbass 44 (5-1/3' in Cornet)
8' Octave 32
8' Flauto Dolce 32
4' Choralbass 32
4' Nachthorn 32
V Cornet (32') 160 (10 pitches in total)
IV Mixture 128
16' Posaune 32
8' Trumpet 32
4' Schalmei 32
Note: Cornet V at 6-2/5' is an independent 5-rank stop including 7ths and 9ths.  The stop tab normally brings in other unison and quint ranks which can be shut off via an unmarked toggle switch on top of the relay in the blower room.  In the rich reverberation of this room, the Cornet effect is extraordinary.

Flor Peeters Dedication Program, 1961 Approx Pitch Low C pitch Derivation
  C 16' Principal
  G 10-2/3' Subbass
  C 8' Octave
  E 6-2/5' Independent
  G 5-1/3' Quintbass
  A# 4-4/7 Independent
  C 4' Choral Bass
  D 3-1/2' Independent
  F# 2-3/4' Independent
  G# 2-1/2' Independent