St John Lutheran Church

302 NE Second Street
Buffalo, MN 55313

Builder: Eric Fiss (Opus 110, 1968)
Manuals: 2
Ranks: 17
Pipes: 874
Action: Mechanical key action. Electric stop action.
--Information and photos from Jerry Bonstrom and the church website.  Note that Eric Fiss (of Fargo) had his organs built by Laukhuff in Germany.
Last Update: 11/2012
HAUPTWERK (on rail)
8 Trichtergedackt 56
4 Principal 56
2 Rohrpfeife 56
1-1/3 Mixtur IV 224
8 Stillgedackt 56
4 Koppelflöte 56
2 Gemshorn 56
2-2/3 Sesquialtera II 112
1/3 Zimbel II 112
16 Subbass 30
8 Flötebass 12
4 Schwiegel 30