Builder: Grandall and Engen LLC (2013) Originally: Ulm Orgelwerke (1970) Manuals: 3 Stops: 26 Registers: 31 Action: Direct electric/electro-mechanical chests. Information and photos from David Engen. Last Update: 11/2014 |
HAUPTWERK (II) 16 Pommer 56 8 Praestant 56 8 Rohrgedackt 56 4 Octave 56 2-2/3 Quinte 56 2 Kleinoctave 56 1-1/3 Mixtur IV 224 2/3 Auszug II 8 Trompeten Royal 56 |
POSITIV (I) 8 Holzgedeckt 56 4 Praestant 56 4 Koppelflöte 56 2-2/3 Nazat 56 2 Waldflöte 56 1-3/5 Terz 56 I Scharf III 168 8 Krummhorn 56 Tremulant |
CHORWERK (III) 8 Stillgedackt (pf) 8 Erzähler 56 8 Erzähler Celeste 44 4 Spitzflöte (pf) 2 Principal (pf) 2-2/3 Sesquialtera II (pf) 1-1/3 Sifflöte (pf) 1 Nachthorn (pf) 8 Schalmey (pf) 8 Trompeten Royal HW |
PEDAL ORGAN 16 Praestant 32 16 Subbass 32 16 Pommer HW 10 2/3 Quintbass (Pommer) 8 Octavebass 32 8 Gemshorn 32 8 Pommer (HW) 4 Choralbass 32 2-2/3 Mixture IV 128 16 Posaune 32 4 Dulcian 32 8 Trompeten Royal HW |
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Rebuild/Restoration: | |
Note: during Positiv cleaning and repairs, a mouse nest was found inside the chest. |