St Olaf Lutheran Church

306 Second Street NW
Austin, MN 55912

Builder: Wicks, Opus 4099, 1960
Manuals: 3
Stops: 43
Ranks: 49
Action: Wicks Direct Electric®

Notes: Main organ in front, Positiv in rear gallery
--Information from the Organ Historical Society Archive.
Last Update: 3/2015 Pictures by David Engen

GREAT ORGAN (exposed in chancel)

16' Gemshorn 12 (in Choir)
8' Principal 61 left
8' Bourdon 61 right
8' Gemshorn 61 right
8' Dolcan CH
8' Celeste CH
4' Prestant 61 left
4' Spitzfloete 61 left
2 2/3' Twelfth 61 left
2' Super Octav 61 left
    III Mixture 183 right

SWELL ORGAN (left chamber)
16' Gedeckt 61
8' Geigen Principal 61
8' Rohrflöte 61
8' Salicional 61
8' Voix Celeste 61
4' Geigen Octave 61
4' Flauto Traverso 61
2 2/3' Nazard 61
2' Geigen Fifteenth 12
1' Sifflöte 12 (Geigen)
    III Plein Jeu 183
16' Trompette 12
8' Trompette 61
4' Schalmei 61

POSITIV ORGAN  (church balcony)
8' Nason Flute 61 left
4' Principal 61 right
4' Nachthorn 61 right (capped)
2' Octav 61 right
1 1/3' Larigot 61 left
1' Sifflöte 61 left
II Sesquialtera 122 right
III Cymbale 183 left

CHOIR ORGAN (right chamber)
16' Dolcan 12
8' Spitz Principal 61
8' Harmonic Flute 61
8' Dolcan 61
8' Dolcan Celeste 49
4' Principal 61
4' Koppel Flute 61
2 2/3' Nasat 61
2' Blockfloete 61
1 3/5' Tierce 61
8' Krummhorn 61
8' Bombard 29 PD
4' Bombard 12
    Chimes 25

32' Resultant --
16' Principal 32 wood
16' Bourdon 32
16' Gemshorn GT
16' Dolcan CH
8' Principal 32
8' Bourdon 12
8' Gemshorn GT
8' Rohrflöte SW
8' Nason Flute POS
5 1/3' Quint SW (RF)
4' Octav 32
4' Nachthorn Pos
    VIII Grand Cornet (derived from Bourdon)
16' Bombard 32
16' Trompette SW
8' Bombard 12
8' Trompette SW
4' Bombard 12
4' Schalmei SW

Standard sub and super couplers