Builder: M.P. Möller Organ Co., Op. 8224, 1951. Manuals: 2 Ranks: 7 Pipes: 571 Stops: 21 Compass: 61/32 Action: Electro-pneumatic Notes: Stephen Schnurr and Organ Historical Society as of 2020. (entire organ in one box under single expression) GREAT ORGAN 8' Diapason 73 8' Hohlflöte 85 8' Viole Dolce 8' Viole Celeste 4' Geigen Principal 4' Flute Chimes 21 (tubular) Blank (prepared) SWELL ORGAN 16' Bourdon (TC) 8' Geigen Diapason 85 8' Hohlflöte (Gt) 8' Viole Dolce 85 8' Viole Celeste 61 4' Flute (Gt) 4' Viole (ext) 2.2/3' VioleTwelfth 2' Viole Fifteenth 8' Trumpet 85 8' Oboe 73 4' Clarion Tremulant Blank (prepared) PEDAL ORGAN 16' Contre Basse 12 16' Bourdon 12 8' Flute (Gt) Blank (prepared) Blank (prepared) |