Builder: M.P. Möller Organ Co., Op. 8390, 1952. Expanded by
Rutz Co. in 1989. Manuals: 3 Ranks: 34 (originally 19 ranks) Action: Electro-pneumatic/Pitman chests Notes: From church's website: "The most striking feature of our sanctuary is, for many people, the 3-manual keyboard and 32-note pedal pipe organ. It contains 1,997 pipes in all, most of which are hidden in two alcoves on the north and south side. Built origially in 1952 as a 14-rank organ by the Moller Pipe Organ Co. (for the First Presbyterian Church of Mankato, MN). That organ was enlaraged in 1972 with 20 additional ranks added by organ builder Richard Lurth. It was bought, rebuilt and installed in our sanctuary on November 16th, 1989 by the Rutz Organ Company. Photos by Ryan D. Hulshizer. Organ Historical Society as of 2020. GREAT ORGAN 16' Pommer 8' Principal 8' Rohrflute 4' Octave 4' Spitzflute 2' Fifteeneth 8' Trumpet Mixture IV SWELL ORGAN 16' Bourdon 8' Bourdon 8' Viola 8' Viola Celeste (TC) 4' Principal 4' Koppelflote 2.2/3' Nazard (TC) 2' Super Octave 2' Koppelflote 1.3/5' Terz (TC) Mixture VI 16' Bassoon 8' Trumpet 8' Oboe 4' Clarion Tremelo POSITIV ORGAN 8' Hohlflute 8' Spitzflute 4' Principal 8' Unda Maris 4' Flute Octave 2' Octave 1.1/3' Quint 1' Sifflute 8' Krummhorn Chimes Zimbelstern PEDAL ORGAN 32' Resultant 16' Princpal 16' Subbass 8' Principal 8' Flute 4' Choral Bass Mixture III 16' Posaune 8' Trombone 4' Oboe COUPLERS Sw/Ped 8' Gt/Ped 8' Pos/Ped 8' Gt/Gt (16'/Uni. Off/4') Sw/Sw (16'/Uni. Off/4') Swell to Great (8'/4') Positive to Great (8'/4') Positive to Positive (16'/Uni. Off/4') Swell to Positive (8'/4') PISTONS 6-General thumb pistons and toe studs 4-Divisional thumb pistons for all divisions 4-Divisional toe studs for pedal division Gt/Ped (toe stud) Sw/Ped (toe stud) Tutti (reversible thumb piston and toe stud) |
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