Builder: Casavant Frères Ltée., Op. 3830, 2004. Manuals: 3 Ranks: 47 Pipes: 2662 Stops: 58 Action: Electro-pneumatic Notes: Jeff Scofield and Organ Historical Society as of 2012. GREAT ORGAN 16 Violonbass 12 8 Principal 61 8 Violone 61 8 Chimney Flute 61 4 Octave 61 4 Traverse Flute 61 2.2/3 Twelfth 61 2 Fifteenth 61 1.3/5 Seventeenth 61 Mixture II-V 233 16 Bassoon (Sw) 8 Trompette 61 Tremulant Gt/Gt (Unison Off) 8 Tuba (Pos) MIDI on Gt SWELL ORGAN 8 Gamba 61 8 Vox Coelestis (GG) 54 8 Cor de Nuit 61 4 Octave 61 4 Major Flute 61 2.2/3 Nazard 61 2 Flute 61 1.3/5 Tierce 61 Plein Jeu III-IV 232 16 Basson (half-length) 12 8 Trompette harmonique 61 8 Hautbois 61 Tremulant Sw/Sw (Sub/Unison Off/Super) 8 Tuba (Pos) MIDI on Sw ANTIPHONAL (Prepared) 16 Gedacktbass (ext) 8 Principal 8 Gedackt 4 Octave 4 Wald Flute 2 Superoctave Terzian II Mixture II-V 8 Posaune Tremulant POSITIV ORGAN 8 Diapason 61 8 Bourdon 61 8 Flute Douce 61 8 Flute Céleste (TC) 49 4 Geigen Principal 61 4 Spire Flute 61 (Spillflöte) 2 Principal 61 1-1/3 Quinte 61 III Rauschquinte 183 8 Clarinette 61 8 Hautboix (Sw) 16 Tuba Major (TC) 8 Tuba 61 4 Tuba Clarion 12 Tremulant MIDI on Pos PEDAL ORGAN 32 Violone (digital voice) 32 Untersatz (derived resultant) 16 Contrabass (ext) 12 16 Subbass 32 16 Violonbass (Gt) 8 Octavebass 32 8 Gedacktbass 12 8 Violone (Gt) 4 Choralbass 32 Théorbe III (derived) Mixture III 96 32 Contra Trombone (prepared) 16 Trombone (Gt ext/full length) 12 16 Basson (Sw) 8 Trompette (Gt) 8 Tuba (Pos) 4 Clarion (Gt) 4 Hautbois (Sw) MIDI on Ped ANTIPHONAL PEDAL (Prepared) 16 Gedacktbass 8 Gedackt 8 Posaune |