Builder: Casavant Frères Ltée., Op. 3161, 1972. Manuals: 2 Ranks: 37 Pipes: 1964 Stops: 28 Compass: 56/32 Action: Electro-pneumatic Notes: The organ, installed in 1972, was expanded in 1982 by adding a Kontrabass and a Posaune to the pedal and a Salizional and 16’ Bordun to the Great. In 2006, the console was re-located and re-wired. A cord was added so the console can be moved around on the enlarged sanctuary platform. Photo and information from Virginia Bordwell and Organ Historical Society as of 2014. *Added in 1982 GREAT ORGAN 16 Bordun* 56 8 Principal 56 8 Rohrflöte 56 8 Salizional* 56 4 Oktav 4 Nachthorn 56 2 Blockflöte 56 Mixtur IV 224 8 Trompete 56 Chimes SWELL ORGAN 8 Gemshorn 56 8 Gemshorn Celeste (TC) 44 8 Gedackt 56 4 Prinzipal 56 4 Nachthorn 56 2 Oktav 56 1.1/3 Nasat 2.2/3 Sesquialtera II (TC) 88 Scharf IV 224 8 Krummhorn 56 Tremulant PEDAL ORGAN 16 Kontrabass* 32 16 Subbass 32 8 Prinzipalbass 32 8 Spitzflöte 32 4 Choralbass 32 III Mixtur 96 16 Posaune* (full-length) 32 16 Fagott (half-length) 32 8 Trompete 12 4 Schalmei 32 |