Builder: Reuter Organ Co., Op. 1627, 1968. Manuals: 3 Ranks: 25 Pipes: 2048 Stops: 43 Action: Electro-pneumatic Notes: The Buena Vista Reuter is in storage in the university’s warehouse. It was placed into storage after Schaller Memorial Chapel was remodeled in the early 2000s. Ryan Harder (Buena Visit University) and Organ Historical Society as of 2014. Facebook pictures 09/2020 indicate the organ was reinstalled. GREAT ORGAN 16’ Quintadena 61 8’ Principal 61 8’ Bourdon 61 4’ Oktave 61 4’ Spillflöte 61 2’ Nachthorn 61 Full Mixture IV 244 Gt to Gt (16, 4, Unison Off) Chimes SWELL ORGAN 8’ Gedackt 61 8’ Viole de Gambe 61 8’ Viole Celeste 54 4’ Hohlflöte 61 2.2/3’ Nazard 61 2’ Blockflöte 61 1.3/5’ Tierce 61 16’ Kontra Fagott 61 8’ Trompette 61 8’ Fagott 12 4’ Fagott Klarine 12 Tremulant Sw to Sw (16, 4, Unison Off) ANTIPHONAL ORGAN (prepared for) POSITIV ORGAN 8’ Spitzgedackt 61 8’ Gemshorn 61 8’ Gemshorn Celeste 54 4’ Prestant 61 4’ Rohrflöte 61 2’ Principal 61 1.1/3’ Quint 61 1’ Sifflote 61 Zimbel II 122 8’ Krummhorn 61 Tremulant Pos to Pos (16, 4, Unison Off) PEDAL ORGAN 32’ Quintbass (derived resultant) 16’ Bourdon 32 16’ Quintadena (Gt) 16’ Gedackt 12 (Sw ext.) 8’ Oktave 32 8’ Bourdon 12 8’ Gedackt (Sw) 5-1/3’ Twelfth (derived) 4’ Choral Bass 12 4’ Gedackt (Sw) 2’ Choral Oktave 12 III Mixtur 96 16’ Kontra Fagott (Sw) 8’ Fagott (Sw) 4 Fagott (Sw) |