Builder: Dobson Organ Builders, Ltd., Op. 13, 1980. Manuals: 2 Ranks: 29 Pipes: 1484 Stops: 23 Compass: 58/32 Action: Mechanical key/stop w/slider chests Notes: Photo and information from Dobson factory. Organ Historical Society as of 2010. Lake City Union Church is the result of a merger of the Methodist and Presbyterian churches in Lake City, one block apart. Both buildings were torn down and the new sanctuary was attached to the newer education wing of the Presbyterian church, which was retained. Notes from Lynn Dobson: The Methodist church’s Moller went to the Methodist church in Glidden, IA. The Reuter organ, about 1971 5 ranks, in the Presbyterian Church went to Tennessee. Milnar came and removed it and enlarged it. The Presbyterians had a previous organ about 1906 by Moller. It had about 16 ranks as I recall and most of the pipes were saved along with parts of the console. That organ had been electrified in the 50’s from a tubular action. parts of it were stored in the balcony of the church which had been closed off for years because of structural fears and was sold off at the sale of the church. Austin Farlee’s grand mother gave that organ to the church. (The keyboards, bench and notes 1-12 of the wood 8' Open Diapason found their way into David Engen's house organ.) GREAT ORGAN 8 Prestant 54 8 Gedackt 58 4 Octave 58 4 Koppelflöte 2.2/3 Nasard 58 2 Waldflöte 58 1.3/5 Tierce 58 1.1/3 Mixture IV 232 16 Dulzian 58 8 Trompete 58 Swell/Great Tremulant SWELL ORGAN 8 Rohrflöte 58 8 Salicional 58 8 Celeste tc 46 4 Spitzflöte 2 Principal 58 1.1/3 Gemsquinte 58 1/2 Zimbel II 116 8 Schalmei 58 Tremulant PEDAL ORGAN 16 Subbass 32 8 Prestant 32 4 Choralbass 32 2.2/3 Mixture III 96 16 Fagott 32 Great/Pedal Swell/Pedal Zimbelstern |