Builder: Casavant Frères Ltée., Op. 2656, 1961. Manuals: 3 Ranks: 85 Pipes: 4791 Stops: 74 Divisions: 7 Action: Electro-pneumatic Notes: Jeff Scofield and Organ Historical Society as of 2012. GREAT ORGAN 16 Quintade 61 8 Principal 61 8 Bourdon 61 4 Octave 61 4 Rohrflöte 61 2.2/3 Quint 61 2 Superoctave 61 Mixture IV 244 Cymbal III 183 8 Trompette 61 Chimes (Ch) SWELL ORGAN 16 Bourdon 61 8 Principal Etroit 61 8 Rohrflöte 61 8 Viole de Gambe 61 8 Voix Celeste 61 8 Flûte Douce 61 4 Flûte Céleste 61 4 Octave 61 4 Spitzflöte 61 2 Octavin 61 Plein Jeu IV 244 Cymbale III 183 16 Bombarde 61 8 Trompette 61 4 Clairon 61 Tremulant Sw/Sw 16 CHOIR ORGAN 8 Salicional 61 8 Salicional Celeste 61 8 Open Flute 61 8 Cor de Nuit 61 4 Gemshorn 61 4 Nachthorn 61 2-2/3 Nazard 61 2 Piccolo 61 1-3/5 Tierce 61 16 Basson 61 8 Krummhorn 61 (large scale) 4 Cor Anglais 61 Tremulant Ch/Ch 16 Chimes (tubular) Celeste (percussive bars) BRUSTWERK ORGAN 8 Rohrflöte 61 4 Spillflöte 61 2 Principal 61 2 Blockflöte 61 1.1/3 Nasat 61 Cymbal III 183 4 Regal 61 POSITIV ORGAN 8 Gedackt 61 4 Principal 61 4 Rohrquintaton 61 2 Gemshorn 61 1 Sifflöte 61 1.3/5 & 2.2/3 Sesquialtera II 122 Scharf IV 244 8 Knofregal 61 Tremulant ECHO ORGAN (existing from previous organ) 8 Gambe 61 8 Flute 61 8 Voix Humaine 61 Tremulant PEDAL ORGAN 32 Untersatz 32 16 Principal 32 16 Subbass 12 16 Quintade (Gt) 16 Bourdon (Sw) 8 Octave 32 8 Gedacktpommer 32 8 Salicional (Ch) 4 Octave 32 4 Rohrflöte 32 2 Nachthorn 32 Mixture IV 128 16 Posaune 32 16 Bombarde (Sw) 16 Basson (Ch) 8 Trompete 32 8 Basson (Ch) 4 Klarine 32 4 Basson (Ch) Chimes (Ch) |