A.H. Blank Theater Circuit

Address unknown
Des Moines, IA

Builder: Barton Organ Co., (no date known).
Manuals: 3
Ranks: 8
Compass: 61/32
Action: Electro-pneumatic

Notes: Probably in one of the Des Moines theaters owned and operated by the Blank family. A.H. Blank (and family members) were in the movie theater business and had connections at Disney. The Blank Family generosity is evidenced in every part of the city (Des Moines) and state. The zoo, art center, university programs for talented and gifted, to name a few. But nowhere is their leadership and love for giving more appreciated than at Blank Children's Hospital (created in memory of their son, Raymond Blank in 1944).

David L. Jonchen (1985) and Organ Historical Society as of 2018.