St. Lawrence Seminary

301 Church Street
Mount Calvary, WI 53057

Builder: Schaefer Organ Co., ca. 1957
Manuals: 2
Ranks: 26
Action: Electropneumatic

Notes: Identified by Rodney J. Weed. This was the organ in the student chapel built in 1957. When the new chapel was built in 1969, pipes were taken from this organ for use in the Tellers organ, Opus 1100. Pipes from the Schaefer organ from the (demolished) Holy Cross Parish Church were then used to replace pipes taken from this organ. At the time, the intention was to have a usable organ in the building (St. Conrad Hall) that was converted to an auditorium/theater. When visited in September 2012, the console was in its original place but the music rack could not be opened as it was covered with stage materials. The organ would turn on and some stops would still play but it was basically not useable.

8' Principal 61
8' Doppel Flute 61
8' Dulciana 61
4' Octave 61
4' Rohr Flute 61
2' Fifteenth 61
8' Trumpet 61
8' Vox Humana 61

8' Geigen Principal 61
8' Gedeckt 61
8' Salicional 61
8' Viol Celeste TC 49
4' Gemshorn 61
4' Flute 61
2-2/3' Nazard 61
2' Flautina 61
1-3/5' Terz 61
8' Fagotto 61

16' SubBass 32
16' Bourdon 32
8' Principal 32
8' Bourdon 32
5-1/3' Quint
4' Choral Bass32
4' Flute 32
2' Octavin 32