All Saints Episcopal Church

100 North Drew Street
Appleton, WI 54911

Builder: M.P. Möller, Opus 8271, 1951,
Rebuild by John-Paul Buzard Pipe Organ Builders, 2003
Manuals: 2
Ranks: 26
Action: Electropneumatic

Notes: The Möller is the fourth pipe organ in this 1906 church. The third organ, a 2 manual Austin organ, Opus 1657, 1929, and much of the interior of the church were destroyed by fire on November 30, 1949. The Möller organ, a gift of Martha Holbrook and Mary Alsted in memory of their mother, Bina Totman Van Nortwick, was designed by Lavahn Maesch and by Miriam Duncan, then the church organist/choirmaster and organ professor at Lawrence Conservatory. Final design details and voicing were overseen by Ernest White. In the early 1980s, the Great Organ 4' Spitzflöte was replaced by a 16' Spitzflöte, the pipes for which were already available in the pedal. In 1995, Wahl Organbuilders of Appleton added two new stops: an 8' Tuba and III-V Mixture. The pipes for the mixture were crafted from pipes supplied by organbuilder David Moore of Pomfret, Vermont. In 2000, funds became available to rebuild and restore the organ. The project was completed by John-Paul Buzard Organ Builders, Champaign, Illinois, in 2003. The 8' Tuba was removed and an 8' Trumpet added to the Great Organ. The console was completely rebuilt with a new solid state relay, as well as all new wiring throughout the organ. All reservoirs, winkers, and tremolos were restored. The unenclosed portion of the Great Organ was placed on a new electric action slider chest. Of note, in 1950, the chimney for the building was moved to the center rear of the church's north wall, now rising inside the Great Organ chamber, causing tuning problems during the heating months.

8' Diapason
4' Octave
2.2/3' Octave Quint (Twelfth)
2' Super Octave
III-V Mixture (Wahl, 1995)
8' Trumpet (Buzard, 2003)

16' Spitzflöte
8' Bourdon
8' Spitzflöte (ext)
8' Unda Maris tc
4' Hohl Flöte

8' Viole de Gamba
8' Viole Céleste tc
8' Rohr Flöte
4' Principal
4' Koppel Flöte
2' Flautino (ext)
III Plein Jeu
16' Contra Fagotto tc (ext)
8' Trompette
8' Fagotto
4' Clarion (ext)

16' Subbass
16 Spitzflöte Gt (ext)
16' Rohr Bourdon Sw (ext)
10.2/3' Spitz Quint Gt
8' Octave
8' Spitzflöte Gt
8' Rohr Gedect Sw
4' Super Octave (ext)
4' Rohr Flöte Sw
III Spitz Cornet Gt
16' Double Trumpet Sw (ext)
8' Trumpet Sw
4' Clarion Sw