University of Jamestown (formerly Jamestown College)

Voorhees Chapel
6000 College Lane
Jamestown, ND 58405

(This 2006 instrument replace a 1956 Hillgreen-Lane instrument Several ranks were reused in the Lance Johnson organ.)
Builder: Lance Johnson Organ Co., Op. 67, 2006
Manuals: 3
Ranks: 40
Stops: 42
Action: Slider chests/Electro-pneumatic pulldowns

Notes: University of Jamestown (originally Jamestown College) is a private institution. The Voorhees Chapel (built 1917) is named after the major contributor, a Mrs. Voorhees of New Jersey. The basement was originally used as the dining room until 1960 when Westminster Hall was built. Voorhees Chapel is the only building on campus named in the National Register of Historic Buildings. In the early days, mandatory chapel was held five times a week, later three times a week, and presently, voluntary chapel is held each Thursday. The south wing of the building now houses the Religion/Philosophy Department.

Link to information about the pipe organ:

16' Quintaton 56
8' Open Diapason 56
8' Spitzflute 56
4' Octave 56
4' Bourdon 56
2.2/3' Twelfth 56
2' Fifteenth 56
     Mixture V 280
8' Tromba

8' Flute Bouchee 56
8' Viol d’Gamba 56
8' Viol Celeste tc 44
4' Prestant 56
4' Flute a Fuseau 56
2.2/3' Nazard 56
2' Flute Conique 56
1.3/5' Tierce 56
     Plein Jeu III 168
16' Basson tc 44
8' Trompette 56
8' Hautbois 12 (Basson)
4' Clarion 12 (Trompette)

8' Holzgedackt 56
4' Gemshorn 56
4' Rohrflöte 56
2' Principal 56
1.1/3' Quinte 56
     Cymbal III 168
8' Krummhorn 56

32' Untersatz (resultant/derived)
16' Principal 32
16' Bourdon 32
16' Quintaton (Gt)
8' Principal 32
8' Flauto Dolce 32
4' Choral Bass 32
     Mixture III 96
32' Bombarde Cornet (derived)
16' Trombone 32
8' Trompette (Rec)
4' Clarion (Rec)