United Lutheran Church

324 Chestnut Street
Grand Forks, ND 58201
(This is the second instrument at United Lutheran. See the Wurlitzer instrument under separate listing.)
Builder: Casavant Freres, Opus 2790, 1964
Manuals: 3
Ranks: 49
Stops: 38
Action: Mechanical (key/stop/combination)

Notes: Information and photos from a former (unknown) organist (1966-1968). "A magnificent example of Lawrence Phelp’s work."

The church was built in 1929 to house the union of five different area Lutheran Churches. The building is a fine example of Art Deco architecture. It has been rumored for years, in the congregation, that the contractor built a building that could be converted into a city auditorium if the Lutheran Union congregation didn’t last. This explains why a theater organ was originally installed in the proscenium arch over the altar. Wurlitzer moved this organ from its original location at the Hollywood Theatre in Chicago Illinois. The Union Lutheran congregation(s) excelled, however, and at one time, United Lutheran was the largest American (ALC) Lutheran Church congregation in the US. Information from the Organ Historical Society and Richard C Greene. Last update: 7/2012. We have no further information about this organ or its condition. If you have information, we’d appreciate hearing from you.

16' Quintade 56
8' Prinzipal 56
8' Rohrflöte 56
4' Oktave 56
4' Spitzflöte 56
2.2/3' Quinte 56
2' Oktave 56
    Mixtur VI 336
8' Trompete 56

8' Holzgedackt 56
4' Rohrflöte 56
2' Prinzipal 56
2' Waldflöte 56
1.1/3' Quinte 56
    Tertian II 112
    Zimbel III 168
8' Holzregal 56

8' Gedackt 56
4' Prinzipal 56
4' Gedecktflöte 56
2' Gemshorn 56
1' Sifflöte 56
    Sesquialtera II 112
    Scharf IV 224
8' Krummhorn 56

16' Prinzipal 32
16' Subbass 32
8' Oktave 32
4' Choralbass 32
2' Nachthorn 32
    Mixtur IV 128
16' Posaune 32
8' Trompete 32
4' Schalmei 32