First Church of Christ Scientist

Bismarck, ND

Street address is unknown. Building was closed and listed for sale. (In existence from 1913-1992)
Builder: Reuter Organ Co., Op. 1718, 1970.
Manuals: 2
Ranks: 9
Action: Electro-pneumatic

Notes: Notes: Originally built for this church in Bismarck, ND in 1970. First Church of Christ Scientist was active in Bismarck from 1913-1992. The organ was later sold to Mr. Joe Weissinger of Belleair, Florida in 1998 and it was moved to his home there.  He resold the instrument in 2011 and it is currently installed in Christ Church Parish (Episcopal), 184 Cross Highway, Redding Ridge CT 06896. Notes received from Chad Boorsma in 2011. Organ Historical Society as of 2020.

8' Principal 61
8' Gedeckt (Sw)
8' Hohlflute 61
8' Gemshorn (Sw)
8' Gemshorn Celeste (Sw)
4' Principal 12
4' Gedeckt (Sw) 12
2' Super Octave 12
1.1/3' Quinte (prepared)
    Mixture III
8' Trompette (Sw)
    Blank (prepared)

8' Spitz Principal (prepared)
8' Gedeckt 61
8' Gemshorn 61
8' Gemshorn Celeste 49
4' Spitz Principal (prepared)
4' Hohlflute (Gt) 12
4' Gemshorn 12
4' Gemshorn Celeste 12
2.2/3' Nazard (prepared)
2' Flute 12
1.3/5' Tierce 61
8' Trompette 61
    Blank (prepared)

16' Bourdon 12 (Sw Gedeckt)
16' Dolce Bass*
8' Octave (Gt)
8' Gedeckt (Sw)
8' Hohlflute (Gt)
8' Gemshorn (Sw)
4' Super Octave (Gt)
4' Gedeckt (Sw)
16' Contre Trompette 12 (Sw)
Until 1916, the Bismarck, ND Christian Scientists met in several rented quarters. They were able to buy a lot in 1953 and build a church on the corner of Fourth Street and Avenue C. They remained in that location until the local church disbanded and put the building and lot up for sale in 1999. The Mother Church of Christ Scientist, in Boston (Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy's original congregation), established rules and regulations that each new branch was required to follow. A branch was admitted to the status of “church” only when it had a minimum number of members; therefore, until 1924 the Bismarck group was a Christian Science Society.