First Evangelical Lutheran Church

561 Chestnut Street
Taylors Falls, MN 55084

(See separate entry for Moberg residence instrument of Moller which was incorporated into this Moe instrument, following Mr. Moberg's death.)
Builder: Moe Pipe Organ Co., Op. 2, 2007. (See notes below about reused organ parts)
Manuals: 2
Ranks: 18
Pipes: 1183
Stops: 28
Action: Electro-mechanical

Notes: This Moe, Op. 2, contains many of the ranks from a Moller instrument originally built for E. Holberg Moberg's home. The Moller was donated by family to First Lutheran where Mr. Moberg was organist for many years, following his death. Moe Organs reused many ranks.

Allen Moe and Organ Historical Society as of 2011.

8 Principal 61
8 Metal Gedeckt 61
8 Gemshorn (1-12 from Gedeckt) 49
4 Octave 61
4 Flute 12
2.2/3 Twelfth 61
2 Super Octave 61
   Mixture III 183
8 Trompette 61
8 Krummhorn 61

16 Lieblich Gedeckt 12
8 Stopped Flute 61
8 Viola Pomposa 61
8 Viola Celeste (TC) 49
4 Principal 61
4 Koppel Flute 61
2.2/3 Nazard 61
2 Piccolo 12 (Koppel Fl.)
1.3/5 Tierce 37 (Stopped Fl.)
8 Trumpet 61
4 Clarion 12

16 Bourdon (f) (Gt) 12
16 Lieblich Gedeckt (p) (dual pressure)
8 Open Bass (Gt)
8 Bourdon (Gt)
4 Choral Bass (Gt)
16 Trumpet (Sw) 12
4 Krummhorn (Gt)