Saint Paul's Evangelical & Reformed Church (originally "E & R" and became Peace UCC)

Seventh & Broadway (congregation later moved to 1503 Second Avenue N.E.)
Rochester, MN 55901

(See later Reuter Op. 1957 (1977) at Peace United Church of Christ.)
Builder: Reuter Organ Co., Op. 226, 1927.
Manuals: 2
Ranks: 8
Action: Electro-pneumatic

Notes: Peace United Church of Christ was founded in 1905 as St. Paul's E & R, after a couple of years meeting in homes. Our “mother church,” St. Paul’s Congregational, built our first church building on 7th and Broadway (now it’s a Holiday gas station). There were various changes over the years between affiliations and focus but in 1956, Peace opened its doors to our current location. In 1957, Peace Church officially became part of the United Church of Christ, which is a merger of four denominations.

Chris Leaver (Reuter) and Organ Historical Society as of 2005.